Yoga Teacher & Reiki Therapist
Dear beautiful souls,
My name is Cha. I am teaching and practising Yoga and meditation and love to write poetry. Some years ago, I left behind me my working life in industry and engineering to dedicate my life to the teachings of the Heart, Hridaya Yoga.
I have learnt how to relax the mind and give back the power of manifesting our life to the only guide, the Heart. All the answers reside in our own Heart, we just have to remember to seek inward. My Journey is supported by the practice of Reiki healing as well since 7 years now. I will be honored to support you on the path of the wisdom of the Heart through the power of Yoga and energetical balance. The full blossoming is just next door. From the path toward the Heart, Namasté.
She has a tremendous depth of knowledge, not only theoretical but most of all she also knows how to practically apply this knowledge in daily life!